A blog is short for weblog which is an online journal and is where writers share their views on an individual subject.
Conversations with your target audience are easily accessible and they can share their opinions via “Comments”
Using Links and Keywords to Optimize posts for SEO
Publishing regularly opens up opportunities and gives you an opportunity to target large numbers of long tail keywords and keeps visitors engaged for longer. (Long-tail Keywords are more than one word /phrases)
Keyword Research
The first step is to do a keyword search to develop a blog strategy and helps you determine what types of topics your audience will be interested in. It’s a good idea to have one or two keywords in mind. WordPress have a keyword planner where you put one or two words into a box below the post and they score you if you put them into your URL and use them in the introduction. However its not a good idea to use them too much and using too many variants score you badly. Use a few strong well chosen keywords relative to your subject.
Go for relevant longer phrases or questions which are easier to rank. For example if you put in SEO in a blog post it does not make too much sense. If you put in a more defined phrase, such as, “a small local business SEO”
• Include your keywords in the URL of the article title. This will appear in Google search and the better the quality the higher the ranking.
4 ways to optimize your blog for SEO | BrandYou Development Blog
Using Relevant Internal Links
Links are important ranking signals for search engine algorithms. Getting another website to link to yours is a hard task, but you have the opportunity to achieve as many internal links as you like.
If you are writing a new post think back about a previous post and has it any relevance to your new post.if so add the links and if possible add anchor text that relates to your target keyword for the older post your linking to.
Use tags which will help you group related posts together. It can be a good navigation tool for visitors and every link creates a new page which will include the name of the tag or category in the URL which will help your SEO rating.
Optimize your images
Images are worth a thousand words, only if they are relevant to your subject and have text. They not only make the article more interesting and attractive, they contribute towards your SEO. They will make the article clearer and aesthetically pleasing, breaking up the block of text, making it more enticing.
If you can use original images. Your company premises should be yours, not a stock picture. The picture should relate to your content, which will help your SEO.
You can also tag images so they relate back to the subject, for example, office staff or your geographic location. This also applies to videos across social media.
Using social media to spread the word
Social media is like the gossip channel of the internet. News travels fast. There are many ways to spread the word to help your SEO :
• External Link building. Enhanced social shares mean enhanced visibility which means visitors will more than likely link back to your content.
• By posting high quality informative and interesting content will encourage customers to engage and share content with other friends and followers, thus creating a strong network.
• Increasing brand awareness is important on social media and can help expand your reach.
• Google is not the only search option. When customers want to know more about you, they will reach out to LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook. This will allow customers to find you no matter what platform they use.
Use search console tool
This is a free service offered by Google that helps you analyze and maintain your sites presence in Google research results.
Who should use this service?
• Business owners who delegate, for example, Brand You. If you don’t know how to use it, hire a webmaster or a marketing specialist. BrandYou are well placed and experienced to guide you through the process.. it allows you to work with Brand You to ensure you have access and control of your reports for your website. Brand You will help you interpret the information which will give you an indication on how your company is performing and how you can move forward.