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The role of marketing plan in an ever changing landscape

Why is an up-to-date marketing plan important How can you keep up with the changing trends of digital marketing

Do you ask yourself, why do I need a marketing plan and if I do what do I do to develop a marketing strategy?

A marketing plan helps to develop products and services in your business that meets the needs of your target market. Good marketing informs your customers why your product or service is better or unique from your competition.

It is therefore imperative to have an up to date plan in place. It acts as an indicator of what will happen in the future and installs a sense of control of your business and livelihood.


Need for Strategy Planning
A great benefit for a marketing plan is helps you concentrate on what resources you have and how to put them to the most effective use and plan for your businesses growth. Researching your target audience allows you to;

• Identify your target market

• Identify your competitors and what you audience thinks regarding their weaknesses and strengths

• Once you have identified your target market, where your products and services fit in, you can then position your brand accordingly

• Set measurable targets and schedules for your marketing strategies

• Plan a marketing strategy to engage with your target audience by using social media platforms and email campaigns.

An up to date marketing plan aids the day to day operations of your business and by setting targets it helps to ; efficiently allocate resources within your budget, measure and manage the performance of your work force as well as motivating your team.

It’s essential to review your marketing plan regularly and adapt it as your business grows.


Keeping up to date with digital Trends

Digital Marketing - BrandYou Development

The preferred method of marketing and having a marketing plan is through digital marketing. It does not take long for your plan to be outdated so its necessary to keep up with digital marketing trends.

Let us explore the different types of digital marketing and do they suit your marketing strategy.

Digital devices give consumers to interact with brands and consequently gives businesses the opportunity to engage with their customers.


Digital Devices

Gives your target audience the chance to interact with brands as they use websites, typically through smart phones, tablets, desktops and TV’s.


Digital Platforms

Interactions are carried out on these devices through using a browser or apps from major platforms such as ; Facebook, Twitter Instagram and Youtube.


Digital Media

Businesses collect information about their target audience which has become controversial and calls are being made for privacy. Google are falling fowl of exposing peoples profiles along with British Airways.


Digital Technology

Businesses use technology to create engagement with brands and business from websites, blogs, email campaigns and promotions.

It is pretty conclusive that an up to date marketing plan is a necessary part of your overall strategy. Keeping in touch with your target audience and engaging with them through informative and attractive content in blogs and throughout you social media campaigns will increase your leads and revenue. This will also install brand loyalty and build a reputable reputation.

That is why its useful to have an up to date marketing plan.

Do you have a plan in place, if not why not talk to our experts at BrandYou Creative for a friendly chat and get your business back on track.

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